There are many ways you can combat a narcissist including NO CONTACT. But what if this isn't an option or something you aren't willing to do because it's family? GREY ROCKING & FIRE WALLING are two ways you can deal with a narcissist that you cannot go NO CONTACT with.
GREY ROCKING - Not responding to the narcissistic behavior. Very dry and boring. Not being a supply.
FIRE WALLING - Knowing what to say and what not to say to a narcissist. Giving no information that they can use against you and not allowing their psychological abuse to penetrate you. Similar to the fire wall on our computers and electronic devices.
These are two of the many things you can do to combat a narcissistic family member who is immediate in your life, like a sibling or parent. Someone you cannot get away from. This is also something you do not have to broadcast. Again, don't tell a narcissist anything they can use against you. Telling a narcissist what you are about to do will feed their antics and make them further manipulate and create false narratives that make them look better.
Other things to look out for is TRIANGULATION. Triangulation is when the narcissist goes to another person in the family (a parent or someone else who is immediately close to the victim) and "tells on you." Then the person they told, (usually the parent) goes to the victim and tells them how they are wrong and how they need to talk to the narcissist and how the narcissist isn't that bad (Master Enablers and often times narcissists too). Parents will often use the, "If something ever happens to me," card and make you feel obligated to have contact or give more to the narcissist.
When TRIANGULATION doesn't work, and the narcissistic family member(s) keeps getting hit with the GREY ROCK or FIREWALL they will then stop looking for you to supply their narcissistic needs and go to someone else to get their fix/supply.
This may take a while, but don't give up. Stand your ground and know that even if others do not see the abusive behavior, you are not crazy. Now go Win The Day because The Day Is Already Won. Peace, Love, and Hair Grease.