Is April flying by, or is it just me? March Madness is over and April hit the ground running! Speaking of March, I love the way it ended with LSU being crowned as the champions. They tried their hardest to tarnish Angel Reese and the LSU Tigers' brand, but the good always prevail. Shout out to that 1.3M Reese has acquired through NIL.
It's just a shame that we were once again reminded of the black and white separation of the people in America. What I do appreciate is Caitlyn speaking up for Angel which is what we need from people who don't look like us. Sad to say, but when it comes to race, it is easier for people to listen to one person who looks like them rather than a group of people who don't. All it takes is one good alliance to change the narrative, so I am always appreciative of that.
On another note, the U.S. dollar is being threatened again, and We Did It Joe is/was on vacation. Say what you want about Trump, but when the dollar was threatened while he was in office, he did something about it.
ALSO, A Russian T-90 tank that was said to have been captured by Ukraine "mysteriously" appeared somewhere at a Louisiana truck stop (look into the story here). If you're thinkin' what I'm thinkin', then you know there is no mystery about it. Life is so much like an episode of Scandal now days. Speaking of episodes, did you see episode 9 of Snowfall? The way it ended, I just don't understand! I'm lowkey ready to see how it will all end on this final season.
Speaking of seasons, Spring is springing, my allergies are on 1000, and the NBA playoffs are officially underway! I love it here! My first round NBA playoff picks are: Celtics, Bucks, 76ers, and Knicks for the East. Lakers, Kings, Nuggets, and Suns for the West although the Warriors and the Clippers could get through. We'll see how far off or how dead on I am by the next blog. In the meantime, go listen to the podcast! We have a new one releasing on Tuesday the 18th. Peace, love, and hair grease!